Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Orange County Chiropractic Tips For Pregnant Women

Pregancy is a time marked by anticipation and excitement but can also be a time of discomfort and sometimes pain.  Many women, especially those in later pregnancy, find that the extra weight up front puts pressure and stress on their backs resulting in everything from minor to major pain.  There are ways to alleviate the pains associated with pregnancy though many of the things a woman does or can don't actually treat the problem and instead simply mask symptoms.

Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center is Devoted to helping expecting moms feel more comfortable during these important 9 months of the unborn childs life.

An Orange County Chiropractor however can help a pregnant woman tremendously.  Not only do Chiropractors give helpful tips for daily living but can help keep a woman's skeletal and nervous system functioning and healthy.  Having healthy systems like this helps to not only relieve the symptoms of pain but they address the causes as well.  Through regular spinal adjustments during pregnancy an Orange County Chiropractor will keep you virtually pain free so that you can carry on with your daily activities without discomfort and distractions.

Being Pain Free Does not Require Medication, Our Chiropractic Adjustments can help Eliminate the Back Pain associated with Pregnancy.

The Orange County Chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center treat many pregnant women and want to share the following tips with pregnant women.  Adhering to these tips will help a woman find comfort and relief when lower back pain stemming from the baby rears its ugly head.
  • Be sure to get adjusted regularly. Chiropractic care is important to help maintain a healthy skeletal structure and nervous system function throughout a pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Do some gentle exercise each day. Walking, swimming, or stationary cycling are relatively safe cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women. Avoid any activities that involve jerking or bouncing movements. Stop exercise immediately if you notice any unusual symptom, such as nausea, dizziness or weakness.
  • Wear flat shoes with arch supports. Your feet become more susceptible to injury during pregnancy, partially due to a rapidly increasing body weight, but also because the ligaments that support the feet become more lax.
  • When picking up children, bend from the knees, not the waist. Your low back is much more prone to injury during pregnancy.
  • When sleeping, lay on your side with a pillow between your knees to take pressure off your lower back. Full-length "body pillows" or "pregnancy wedges" are very popular and can be helpful.
  • Eat several small meals or snacks every few hours, rather than three large meals per day. This will help alleviate nausea, stabilize blood sugar and allow your body to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from the foods that you eat.
  • Take a prenatal vitamin with at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day; 800 micrograms is even better. Folic acid has been shown to dramatically reduce the risk of neural tube defects in a developing fetus. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any vitamin or herbal supplement to make sure it's safe for you and the baby.
For additional information or to book an appointment with an Orange County Chiropractor please contact the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Orange County Chiropractors Offer Tips For Healthy Living: Reading Labels

Living a healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise and eating the rights foods isn't always as easy as you might think. Most adults find it difficult to find both the time and energy for the aforementioned items and after a hard days work, their commute, and their own family at home it's common for the majority of individuals to simply pick up fast food on the way home and then plant themselves on the couch. Despite the difficulties modern society places on healthy living there are several smaller things you can do to increase energy, lower your weight, raise your energy, and stave off things like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center can help you lead a healthier life.

Among these things it is perhaps reading labels when you're grocery shopping that can help you eliminate excessive fats and calories and increase the vitamins and other nutrients that you should be consuming. Consuming more vitamins and things that are healthy for your body will result in more energy, more endurance, and even a healthier immune system. It may seem as though reading labels before you put the food in your shopping basket would yield minimal results but the truth is that reading labels can help you eliminate large portions of saturated fats, sodium, cholesterol, and sugars from your diet. When those things are reduced or eliminated not only will your body have more energy but you're likely to lose a significant amount of weight as well.

Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center can Help you Put Together a List of Appropriate Foods to Help you Live a Better Life.

The law has required, for some time now, that labels be placed on all foods so that consumers can make an informed decision as to what they want to put into their body. Ironically however many people are content in just purchasing food, ignoring the labels on their favorite items. Once people begin reading labels however they are often surprised at just how bad some of the foods they consume are. Many foods are extraordinarily high in fats, sodium, and more often than not contain high level of sugars. Others contain unhealthy amounts of preservatives and synthetic properties both of which are unhealthy and should be avoided as often as possible.

Ignoring the Labels when Shopping Can Be Hazardous to your Health.

The next time you go shopping do two things. Go shopping only after you've eaten a hearty meal. Doing this will allow you to shop patiently and with your brain rather than with your stomach. Secondly take the time to read labels on anything and everything you're considering buying. If you do this you will eliminate a great many things your body doesn't need and you'll get more of what your body needs to stay healthy. You'll also notice that as you make better choices by reading food labels you'll begin to look and feel a whole lot better.
Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center is your #1 Orange County Chiropractic office specializing in chiropractic services, weight loss, massage therapy, acupuncture, and physical therapy.

Orange County Chiropractors Giving Away Big Screen Television

Dr. Rafa and his team of Orange County Chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center have recently begun a very special promotion, one aimed at current patients as well as those who might need Chiropractic care but have yet to schedule a visit. This promotion is one that patients of the Gateway Rehab &Wellness Center won't want to miss out on.

The current promotion is actually a give away involving a big screen TV, something everyone would love to have. The details of the promotion itself are relativity simple and any Orange County Chiropractic patient can take advantage of it by simply doing the following:

  • Refer friends, family members to the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center
  • Attend wellness workshops at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center on Dec. 9th
  • Bring in new patients
  • Participating in our Holiday card program.
By being a part of or participating in any of the above, Orange County Chiropractic patients will earn tickets which can in turn be used to purchase the big screen television. Of course a patient will need a large amount of tickets in order to take home the television but if one participates in all of these programs, winning won't be as difficult as one might think.

With regards to the Holiday card program, patients can visit the office and pick out holiday cards that they like. From here a patient may fill them out with a list of addresses for individuals whom they believe or know are in need of an Orange County Chiropractor. After filling out the cards they can be dropped off back at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center at which point the staff will pay for postage and and place a gift certificate for a free 30 minute massage and a one on one consultation with an Orange County Chiropractor inside of each card. Patients who come in will be counted as referrals and earn existing patients tickets for that big screen television.

Should you have any questions about this promotion you can get help by contacting the the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center. You can also get more information by visiting their Orange County Chiropractic website.

Are you ready to earn tickets toward your Big Screen TV??

Visit Our Office
24002 Via Fabricante Ste. 501
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Phone: (949) 454-8811