Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Orange County Chiropractic Tips For Pregnant Women

Pregancy is a time marked by anticipation and excitement but can also be a time of discomfort and sometimes pain.  Many women, especially those in later pregnancy, find that the extra weight up front puts pressure and stress on their backs resulting in everything from minor to major pain.  There are ways to alleviate the pains associated with pregnancy though many of the things a woman does or can don't actually treat the problem and instead simply mask symptoms.

Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center is Devoted to helping expecting moms feel more comfortable during these important 9 months of the unborn childs life.

An Orange County Chiropractor however can help a pregnant woman tremendously.  Not only do Chiropractors give helpful tips for daily living but can help keep a woman's skeletal and nervous system functioning and healthy.  Having healthy systems like this helps to not only relieve the symptoms of pain but they address the causes as well.  Through regular spinal adjustments during pregnancy an Orange County Chiropractor will keep you virtually pain free so that you can carry on with your daily activities without discomfort and distractions.

Being Pain Free Does not Require Medication, Our Chiropractic Adjustments can help Eliminate the Back Pain associated with Pregnancy.

The Orange County Chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center treat many pregnant women and want to share the following tips with pregnant women.  Adhering to these tips will help a woman find comfort and relief when lower back pain stemming from the baby rears its ugly head.
  • Be sure to get adjusted regularly. Chiropractic care is important to help maintain a healthy skeletal structure and nervous system function throughout a pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Do some gentle exercise each day. Walking, swimming, or stationary cycling are relatively safe cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women. Avoid any activities that involve jerking or bouncing movements. Stop exercise immediately if you notice any unusual symptom, such as nausea, dizziness or weakness.
  • Wear flat shoes with arch supports. Your feet become more susceptible to injury during pregnancy, partially due to a rapidly increasing body weight, but also because the ligaments that support the feet become more lax.
  • When picking up children, bend from the knees, not the waist. Your low back is much more prone to injury during pregnancy.
  • When sleeping, lay on your side with a pillow between your knees to take pressure off your lower back. Full-length "body pillows" or "pregnancy wedges" are very popular and can be helpful.
  • Eat several small meals or snacks every few hours, rather than three large meals per day. This will help alleviate nausea, stabilize blood sugar and allow your body to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from the foods that you eat.
  • Take a prenatal vitamin with at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day; 800 micrograms is even better. Folic acid has been shown to dramatically reduce the risk of neural tube defects in a developing fetus. Be sure to check with your doctor before taking any vitamin or herbal supplement to make sure it's safe for you and the baby.
For additional information or to book an appointment with an Orange County Chiropractor please contact the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Orange County Chiropractors Offer Tips For Healthy Living: Reading Labels

Living a healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise and eating the rights foods isn't always as easy as you might think. Most adults find it difficult to find both the time and energy for the aforementioned items and after a hard days work, their commute, and their own family at home it's common for the majority of individuals to simply pick up fast food on the way home and then plant themselves on the couch. Despite the difficulties modern society places on healthy living there are several smaller things you can do to increase energy, lower your weight, raise your energy, and stave off things like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center can help you lead a healthier life.

Among these things it is perhaps reading labels when you're grocery shopping that can help you eliminate excessive fats and calories and increase the vitamins and other nutrients that you should be consuming. Consuming more vitamins and things that are healthy for your body will result in more energy, more endurance, and even a healthier immune system. It may seem as though reading labels before you put the food in your shopping basket would yield minimal results but the truth is that reading labels can help you eliminate large portions of saturated fats, sodium, cholesterol, and sugars from your diet. When those things are reduced or eliminated not only will your body have more energy but you're likely to lose a significant amount of weight as well.

Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center can Help you Put Together a List of Appropriate Foods to Help you Live a Better Life.

The law has required, for some time now, that labels be placed on all foods so that consumers can make an informed decision as to what they want to put into their body. Ironically however many people are content in just purchasing food, ignoring the labels on their favorite items. Once people begin reading labels however they are often surprised at just how bad some of the foods they consume are. Many foods are extraordinarily high in fats, sodium, and more often than not contain high level of sugars. Others contain unhealthy amounts of preservatives and synthetic properties both of which are unhealthy and should be avoided as often as possible.

Ignoring the Labels when Shopping Can Be Hazardous to your Health.

The next time you go shopping do two things. Go shopping only after you've eaten a hearty meal. Doing this will allow you to shop patiently and with your brain rather than with your stomach. Secondly take the time to read labels on anything and everything you're considering buying. If you do this you will eliminate a great many things your body doesn't need and you'll get more of what your body needs to stay healthy. You'll also notice that as you make better choices by reading food labels you'll begin to look and feel a whole lot better.
Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center is your #1 Orange County Chiropractic office specializing in chiropractic services, weight loss, massage therapy, acupuncture, and physical therapy.

Orange County Chiropractors Giving Away Big Screen Television

Dr. Rafa and his team of Orange County Chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center have recently begun a very special promotion, one aimed at current patients as well as those who might need Chiropractic care but have yet to schedule a visit. This promotion is one that patients of the Gateway Rehab &Wellness Center won't want to miss out on.

The current promotion is actually a give away involving a big screen TV, something everyone would love to have. The details of the promotion itself are relativity simple and any Orange County Chiropractic patient can take advantage of it by simply doing the following:

  • Refer friends, family members to the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center
  • Attend wellness workshops at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center on Dec. 9th
  • Bring in new patients
  • Participating in our Holiday card program.
By being a part of or participating in any of the above, Orange County Chiropractic patients will earn tickets which can in turn be used to purchase the big screen television. Of course a patient will need a large amount of tickets in order to take home the television but if one participates in all of these programs, winning won't be as difficult as one might think.

With regards to the Holiday card program, patients can visit the office and pick out holiday cards that they like. From here a patient may fill them out with a list of addresses for individuals whom they believe or know are in need of an Orange County Chiropractor. After filling out the cards they can be dropped off back at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center at which point the staff will pay for postage and and place a gift certificate for a free 30 minute massage and a one on one consultation with an Orange County Chiropractor inside of each card. Patients who come in will be counted as referrals and earn existing patients tickets for that big screen television.

Should you have any questions about this promotion you can get help by contacting the the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center. You can also get more information by visiting their Orange County Chiropractic website.

Are you ready to earn tickets toward your Big Screen TV??

Visit Our Office
24002 Via Fabricante Ste. 501
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Phone: (949) 454-8811

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Orange County Chiropractors and Acupuncture

Those who suffer from back pain have a number of treatments available to them though availability and successful results vary from individual to individual. Not all back pain is the same in severity, location, nor does all back pain originate from one single cause. As such there are a large number of different treatments for the various types and causes of back pain. Some of the treatments are available through a standard medical doctor though treatments received from such a person generally only treats the symptoms of the pain rather than addressing the actual cause. Additionally these treatments often include expensive medicines that can inhibit your ability to carry on with your daily routine. Many who visit traditional medical doctors for back pain find that they are quickly given surgery as an option which can be painful, debilitating, and costly.

There are Orange County Chiropractors however that offer alternative treatments for the many different types of back pain that exist. The majority of these practitioners all offer similar treatments to their patients though not all offer the most popular and arguably one of the most successful treatments for back pain, Acupuncture. Acupuncture is not only extremely popular with those who suffer from back pain but is also an tremendously effective treatment. Those with back pain who undergo Acupuncture treatments will all tell you that by the time they leave the Orange County Chiropractor's office the pain in their back is abated if not completely absent.

Acupuncture has been proven to be effective in the causes of physical, mental and psychological aliments but perhaps best of all, Acupuncture uses no drugs to achieve it's goal and is completely safe. Those with back pain often cite that not only does their pain lessen or disappear completely but that they feel energized and a renewed sense of vigor. The process is virtually pain free too and many who receive this treatment for back pain find themselves extremely relaxed during and following each treatment.

Best of all Acupuncture treatments allow the patient to leave the session without any side effects which means a patient can carry on or resume their daily activities. Acupuncture also treats the cause of a patients back pain rather than just masking the pain and after a consultation with an Orange County Chiropractor a customized treatment is made for each individual in order to maximize results. Moreover the majority of Chiropractors offer Acupuncture treatments to those with back pain at very affordable prices, much more affordable than prescription medicines and surgeries.
If you suffer from back pain, persistent or otherwise, and have seen medical doctors and achieved only limited results a trip to your local Chiropractor and Acupuncture might yield much better results and improve your health as well as your quality of life.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cutting Edge Technology Provides Relief For Lower Back Pain

There are a lot of treatments for lower back pains. Depending what the cause of the pain might be traditional doctors might prescribe medicine or in a worst case scenario recommend surgery. While both of these options might work both have the potential to take you out of your daily routine as medicine can impair you and surgery can incapacitate you. Additionally both medicine as well as surgery, more often than not, treat only the symptoms rather than the cause of the pain itself. There are alternatives however for those living and dealing with both nagging and debilitating lower back pain.

Many Orange County Chiropractors for example offer treatments to sufferers of lower back pain that require no downtime. These Chiropractors employ a wide variety of different treatments and techniques to not just alleviate pain in the lower back but to address and attack the cause of the pain as well in an effort to permanently rid the patient of pain. Expensive medicines only mask the symptoms, while treatments from an experienced Chiropractor are designed to treat the causes of lower back pain.

One of the newest treatments being offered by Orange County Chiropractors is "DRX9000 Spinal Decompression". Prior to the invention of this treatment those suffering from spinal disc issues had very few options available to them and had to rely on heavy medication to lessen their lower back pain. Spinal Decompression however addresses compressed nerves in the back by utilizing state of the art technology and applying a distraction force to the nerves. Patients who receive this treatment from a Chiropractor often state that they begin feeling relief immediately following treatment and are able to resume their day to day activities right away.

Chiropractic treatments like "DRX9000 Spinal Decompression" are changing the way many people view Chiropractors and the options they offer. Many sufferers of lower back pain often seek out a Chiropractor before visiting a traditional medical doctor simply because they want to avoid pricey medicines as well as surgeries that sometimes fail or must be repeated. People have busy lives and more often than not, can not afford to have any down time and as a result many with lower back pain begin speaking with a Chiropractor so that the cause of their pain can be treated and so that they can get on with their lives.
Those living with lower back pain should locate Chiropractors in their local neighborhood and find out if they offer state of the art techniques similar to or comparable to "DRX9000 Spinal Decompression". If no local Chiropractors offer cutting edge techniques such as this a simple search online through a search engine will reveal what Chiropractors offer such things and where they're located. Living with pain is difficult and costly, treating the cause of that pain and then alleviating it shouldn't be.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Orange County Chiropractor Offers Coupon For Sciatic Leg Pain

Dr. Victor Rafa and his team of Orange County Chiropractors are offering a coupon for Sciatic leg pain.  Sciatic leg pain affects thousands of people every year though many never seek treatment for it or seek treatment only when the pain becomes unbearable or has been persistent for long periods of time. Many whom seek treatment often visit traditional doctors who prescribe expensive medicines and medication that debilitates the individual taking it.  Other times traditional doctors will recommend surgery to alleviate Sciatic leg pain which can also be expensive and take a person out of his or her daily routines for days or even weeks at a time.


Visiting an Orange County Chiropractor however when you're experiencing Sciatic leg pain can result in not only the alleviation of the pain but Chiropractors will address the cause rather than addressing only the symptoms.  The Orange County Chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center utilize techniques and treatments designed to treat the nerve itself so that your pain gradually fades away.  Dr. Rafa's team uses only treatments that require no surgery and no medication so that once you're visit has completed you can resume your normal daily activities.  Through several visits you'll see your Sciatic leg pain disappear leaving you feeling rejuvenated and pain free.

The coupon being offered by these Orange County Chiropractors entitles the bearer to a FREE consultation, X-rays, and a report of the findings, which is valued at $195.00.  The coupon itself is valid through November 1st, 2009 and can be printed out from this blog.  Should you have any questions about this coupon, or Sciatic leg pain be sure to contact the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center.  You may also visit their Orange County Chiropractic website for a list of all their services and treatment options.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Orange County Chiropractor Urges Others To Think Outside The Box For Body And Health

The Orange County Chiropractors of the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center recently held a free wellness class in Mission Viejo which dealt with ways to stay healthy. The class from start to finish was full of extremely useful and surprising information and everyone who attended left with a better understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle. During the class Orange County Chiropractor Dr. Victor Rafa shared a lot of information about things both healthy and unhealthy and went into the details regarding these things.

Dr. Rafa opened the class by addressing stress and how it, more than nearly everything else affects your body in negative ways. In fact the Orange County Chiropractor stated that it's not accidents nor trauma that causes the body to get out of line and further stated that stress is in fact the biggest cause of aches, pains, and other aliments. He then urged anyone suffering from such things and high stress to visit an Orange County Chiropractor regularly in order to eliminate stress and alleviate aches and pains.

Interested in Learning How to Eliminate Stress, Aches & Pains??
Schedule An Appointment by Clicking Here

Dr. Rafa then brought up the subject of Carpal Tunnel and how he sees patients suffering from this problem on a regular basis. Many times carpal tunnel can originate not only from the wrist but in many cases from the back and muscles surrounding the neck, shoulder and arm. The Orange County Chiropractor went on to tell attendees that once a back or neck begins having problems many health issues can rear their ugly heads, one of which happens to be Carpal Tunnel. If you or someone you know is suffering from Carpal Tunnel it's wise to visit an Orange County Chiropractor for treatments that address the cause instead of others that simply mask the symptoms.

Suffering from Carpal Tunnel?? Sign Up Today for our
FREE Wellness Class By Calling (949) 454-8811

Dr. Rafa then moved onto the main top of the evening which was living healthy. He began speaking about this topic buy urging several things. The first being that everyone take some sort of vitamin supplement if they are not eating properly. He further added that a lack of vitamins can lead to back, neck, and a whole host of other health related issues. His Orange County Chiropractic center the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center, carries all types of vitamins that patients will find useful. Next he turned his attention to eating right and gave tips and suggestions on things that should be limited or omitted in our daily diets. He cited four main foods that should be avoided, which are as follows:

  1. Sugar - Breaks down your teeth and results in sudden energy crashes.
  2. White flour - because it's bleached and contains no nutrition value whatsoever.
  3. Salt - Extremely bad your heart
  4. Preservatives - Processed foods such as MSG, hot dogs and bologna.
Avoiding these types of foods will result in a healthier body and keep those nagging aches and pains away. Eating the proper foods gives your body the necessary nutrients it needs to keep itself running at optimum levels. The Orange County Chiropractor also noted that when individuals consume the aforementioned foods over long periods of time it places them at risk for a variety of serious health issues.

At the conclusion of the lesson on proper nutrition Dr. Rafa began speaking about other ways to avoid and alleviate stress. One of the best ways to avoid and reduce stress is to get plenty of sleep. The Orange County Chiropractor put heavy emphasis on getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Doing so allows the body to deal with daily stress and ready the body and mind for the next day. He also provided attendees with an interesting tip related to sleep. If a doctor prescribes you a mattress you can use the mattress as a tax write off! Using this to your advantage will not only help you save money but will help you afford a mattress that will allow you to sleep more comfortably. The final key to getting a good solid nights rest is pillows. Sleeping with a bad pillow actually does more harm than good and can negatively affect the whole body leaving you tired, sore, and achy the next day.

Next up the class dealt with more ways to reduce stress and stay healthy. Orange County Chiropractor Dr. Rafa urged attendees to do several things. These where:
  • Drink plenty of water - Distilled, Spring, and tap water are great choices while Spring water is best for drinking while you exercise.

  • Get some sun - While prolonged exposure to the sun is dangerous regular short term exposure does a body wonders. Sun light actually causes the body to create Vitamins A and D! A time outdoors will do you good!

  • Get fresh air - Getting outside for fresh air is not only refreshing but great for your body too. It's also important to be sure that you breathe properly taking full breaths as often as you can. The more oxygen your body receives the better it functions.
The next topic covered was an eye opener for everyone. The Orange County Chiropractor spoke of Flu shots and urged those in attendance to stop and consider the risks before going in for one. Dr. Rafa was quick to point out that there are studies that show Flu shots actually increase the risk of Alzheimer's in anyone who receives these shots. Flu shots have also been shown to decrease the body's immunity to many other types of diseases as well. Instead Dr. Rafa recommends that people do the following in order to avoid contracting the Flu.

  • Avoid sugar
  • Get enough rest
  • Decrease stress
  • Exercise
  • Eat garlic
  • Wash your hands
  • Avoid the flu shot!!

Learn How To Beat The Flu Without Harming Your Body
by Calling (949) 454-8811

Following the lesson on Flu shots, Dr. Rafa moved onto talking about just how a healthy day should play out. A healthy day begins with a positive mindset followed by proper stretching and then a proper breakfast, which means no donuts and coffee. He went on to state that breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day and all subsequent meals should be reduced in size. Furthermore he urged everyone not to eat dinner late or go to bed full as you will wake up tired because the body spend a lot of energy digesting the meal you ate just before you retired.

Dr. Rafa next moved onto speaking about just how poorly aligned necks, backs, and joints can result in a myriad of different health issues. These issues can range from minor to debilitating but can be cured by an Orange County Chiropractor with regular visits. He urged everyone to contact a Chiropractor if they experience any of the following problems.

  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Vertigo
  • Blurring of the eyes
  • Thyroid issues
The final portion of the class dealt with several different topics. These included migraines, Tachycardia, heartburn, and the nervous system and how all other systems rely on the nervous system for everything. Dr. Rafa reminded everyone that these and most other issues can be effectively treated by regular Orange County Chiropractor visits. Should you have any questions about Dr. Rafa, these monthly classes or his services please contact the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center for assistance. They also have an Orange County Chiropractic website that lists all of their services and contains tips for healthy living.

Interested in Learning More About Our Healthy Topics?? Stop By Our Mission Viejo Office at 24002 Via Fabricante Ste. 501 Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Orange County Chiropractor To Offer FREE Monthly Classes Dedicated To Weight Loss and Bodily Health

Those who want to lose weight and begin living a healthy lifestyle will be happy to learn that Orange County Chiropractor Dr. Victor Rafa and his staff at Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center are now offering monthly classes dedicated to living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Emphasis will be on the body and how to keep it healthy and pain free so that patients can live a quality life. The health professionals at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center know that Orange County weight loss can be difficult and that sometimes even the most ardent of individuals give up on their weight loss goals.

It is for this reason that these Orange County Chiropractors have worked with their staff to create monthly classes that teach people how to make smart choices with regards to exercise, diet, and their bodies. These programs have been created by dietitians, Orange County Chiropractors, and weight loss professionals so attendees can expect each class to be extremely well rounded and cover the specifics of getting and staying healthy.

Those interested should write this information down and keep it handy.

  • To register: Call (949) 454-8811
  • Location: 24002 Via Fabricante Ste. 501 Mission Viejo, CA 92691
  • Day: 2nd Wednesday of every month
  • Time: 6:30pm
  • Price: FREE!


The topics at these monthly classes will vary and each one will focus on something new. Those who attend multiple classes will discover that these classes cover everything from the importance of vitamins, weight loss, and what types of foods are best when you want to live a healthy lifestyle. Best of all, every single one of these monthly classes is FREE! Classes are scheduled to take place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month and all that's required to attend these classes is a simple phone call. Dr. Rafa and his team of Orange County Chiropractors and Orange County weight loss specialists can be reached at (949) 454-8811 for those who want to register for these classes. Classes begin at 6:30 in the afternoon and will be extremely informative. If you've often thought about starting a weight loss regimen but don't know how or where to begin make sure you attend these classes!

Should you have any questions about any of these Orange County weight loss and health classes, please contact the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center for assistance. You may also wish to visit their Orange County Chiropractic website for all the details surrounding not just these classes but the details on all their services as well.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Orange County Chiropractors: Allergies

Allergies are common in people of all ages as and treatments for allergies vary widely. There are of course over the counter medicines, homeopathic remedies, and visits to the doctors. Some of these visits might include shots designed to help alleviate the symptoms of allergies though none of these shots, medicines or treatments address the cause and only cover up symptoms leaving them to rear their ugly head once more at some point down the line. It's a little known fact that Orange County Chiropractors actually treat the causes of allergies. Additionally Chiropractors know that allergies are often caused by things like a misaligned neck or back so seeing one can help alleviate not just the symptoms but the causes of allergies as well. Orange County Chiropractors site that when a neck or back is out of alignment communication with the brain is disrupted and muddled which is a major cause of common allergies.
An Orange County Chiropractor treats the cause of allergies by focusing treatments on the back and neck, and will target the hypersensitivity of the respiratory system caused by a misaligned neck and/or back. These treatments include no medicines or surgeries so there's no down time for you once your visit has concluded, you'll simply leave the Orange County Chiropractors office feeling better. These treatments aim to restore clear communication between the brain and spinal cord and once achieved allergies will begin to disappear.

If you suffer from allergies you might be surprised to learn that an Orange County Chiropractor can cure what ails you. You can still choose to visit a traditional medical doctor who's likely to prescribe medicines that will leave you feeling like your head is in the clouds or may recommend other things that force you to slow or even stop your daily activities. An Orange County Chiropractor will offer drug and hassle free treatments and will address the causes of your allergies rather than simply masking their symptoms.

If you have questions about how an Orange County Chiropractor might treat your specific allergies, please contact Dr. Rafa and his staff at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center. You might also want to visit their Orange County Chiropractics website for information on all of the services they offer.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Orange County Chiropractics VS. Traditional Medical Care

Many of those who've considered visiting an Orange County Chiropractor have not yet done so only because they're uncertain of what it is exactly that a Chiropractor can do for them that a traditional doctor can not. In reality however such people should not be asking what a Chiropractor and a doctor can do for them but how the treatments of the two are different. Asking this question will make a clear distinction between the traditional doctor and his/her medical treatments and those of the Orange County Chiropractor.

Most doctors focus on intrusive treatments that sometimes involve major downtime and expensive medicines when looking to cure and/or alleviate an ailment. Orange County Chiropractors however take a different route when working with their patients. Chiropractors seek to turn on the body's natural healing ability whereas traditional doctors typically want to introduce or add something to the body's natural defense system. That's why many of the treatments practiced by traditional doctors often slow you down, make you sicker, and regularly hinder you day to day life.

High blood pressure is perhaps the best example to use to demonstrate just how an Orange County Chiropractors treatments differ from those practiced by standard doctors. A patient whose doctor discovers his/her high blood pressure will select a medicine that the patient must then take on a regular basis in order to regulate their blood pressure. While the medicine may or may not be expensive the real problem lies in the fact that the medicine only treats the symptoms of high blood pressure while the cause goes unaddressed. An Orange County Chiropractor however will immediately address the causes of the condition and attempt to treat those by addressing nutritional issues, faulty nervous system control and even unregulated stress. Once a patient has these causes addressed high blood pressure can be eliminated rather than continuing to take medicine for an indefinite period of time.

This example draws a very clear distinction between the methods of treatments used by traditional doctors and Orange County Chiropractors. We hope that this information will help those with health issues and those unsure of whether or not to visit a Chiropractor make an informed decision. Should you have questions about Orange County Chiropractics please contact the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center for assistance!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Orange County Chiropractic Help In Mission Viejo

There a lot of people who live with aches and pains everyday all the while wishing they could live a pain free and a more healthy lifestyle. The majority of these people honestly want to make changes and alleviate their pains but have no idea how or where to begin. Even with the advent of the Internet many people have a hard time discerning fact from fiction online when they begin searching for help with things like diet, stress management, and aches & pains.

Fortunately wellness centers such as the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center in Mission Viejo exist to assist individuals looking help in these areas. Dr. Rafa and his team of Orange County Chiropractors offer a multitude of services which aim to treat patients without medicines as well as expensive and hindering surgeries. Not only will you find Orange County Chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center but you'll also find health professionals who can help you with the following:
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Physical Medicine
  • Medical Doctor Exam
  • Massage Therapy
  • Pilates
  • Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
  • Lifestyle Advice
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Spinal & Postural Screenings
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Thermage & Mesotherapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Custom Orthotics
All of the services offered by these Orange County Chiropractors are designed to help alleviate and eliminate the aches and pains that keep you from living comfortably and pain free. From simple Chiropractic treatments to nutritional counseling and Mesotherapy, you'll find it all at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center. Life is short, too short to live with pain so why not consider visiting an Orange County Chiropractor?

You may contact Dr. Rafa and his team directly via email and you may visit their Orange County Chiropractors website. The website is full of useful information related to not only their services but tips on how to live healthy, along with explanations as to how and why their services work. Don't waste another minute living with pain or an unhealthy lifestyle!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Loving Social Media!

Just set up and Selective Twitter Status on Facebook to auto update my social networks with these blog posts!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stay Well And Manage Stress With An Orange County Chiropractor

These days with the economy being what it is many people are finding that their stress levels have risen higher than ever. As stress piles on some individuals find that eating right, maintaining weight, and managing their stress becomes next to impossible. Our frantic lives and times slowly damage our bodies which leads to a multitude of health issues. All is not lost however as there are services available for individuals who want and need assistance with living a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Rafa and his team of Orange County Chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center in Mission Viejo are one such group of health professionals who can help you take back control over your wellness. In fact the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center offers a plethora of services all of which are designed to treat specific ailments. Not only will you find Orange County Chiropractors at this wellness center but you'll also find dietitians, massage therapists, and even health care professionals who specialize in acupuncture. The goal at Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center is to treat patients with sensible and simple remedies as opposed to intrusive and expensive surgeries and medicines. This means that you can come visit an Orange County Chiropractor and leave with your pains, stress, and other ailments lessened and even cured.

Don't let the stresses of everyday life break you down. When you begin experiencing pain such as headaches, backaches, and even allergies, consider contacting Dr. Rafa for assistance! You may also visit his Orange County Chiropractor website which is dedicated to healthy living. It doesn't take long for little aches and pains to become big aches and pains or even cause additional pains throughout the body. See an Orange County Chiropractor today!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Orange County Chiropractors Advise Clients To Use Positive Affirmations To Improve Quality Of Life

The Orange County Chiropractors of Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center promote healthy living first and foremost and believe that healthy living begins with positive affirmations. This philosophy is considered the foundation of every person who leads a healthy lifestyle. In simple terms this is no different than "think well be well" and while the philosophy might seem simplistic the results such a philosophy yields go well beyond simplistic.

Living a healthy life style is difficult even for those with tremendous will power and a desire to do so. Positive affirmations are positive thoughts of one's self and their reactions to scenarios which they might find themselves in on a daily basis. Orange County Chiropractors are quick to point out that our bodies work very similar to the way computers do. Once a computer is exposed to viruses, bad programming, etc, they tend to slow down and not function well. The human body and mind are no different as negative experiences and thoughts can cause a body to slow and break down over time.

Through the use of positive affirmations an individual disciplines themselves to see and identify the positive in every aspect of their lives, thereby improving the overall quality of their lives which in turn helps them to reach and exceed personal goals and obtain a lifestyle not obtainable when consumed with the negative in their lives.

Tips for positive affirmation:
  • Affirmations should be written down. This allows you to crystallize your thoughts and gives you a reference to refer back to daily.
  • Affirmations should be in the first person and in the current time frame. They should always contain the word “I” and be in the “now” time frame, as they are the truth, told in advance. Remember the rule, “To Become, Act As If.”
  • Affirmations are best done in the morning to start your day or in the evening before going to sleep. This helps to program your subconscious mind with positive thoughts.
  • Affirmations can be either memorized or read, and need to be said aloud with emotion. This is what is necessary to open the trap door between your educated and innate mind.
Should you have questions about positive affirmations or need the services of an Orange County Chiropractor you may contact Dr. Victor Rafa at Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center in Mission Veijo. You may also visit the wellness center's Orange County Chiropractic website.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Alternative Cures To What Ails You

The majority of most people lead very busy lives and often find themselves in a position that makes it difficult to care for oneself. Balancing work, spouses, children, private time, and even friends can be an extremely arduous task on the best of days. Our demanding lifestyles leave little time for and can make healthy living complicated. With so much on our plates already we often find ourselves tired and unwilling and sometimes unable to eat right and exercise. Lack of exercise and poor diet however can lead to a multitude of ailments, all of which can be life threatening if left untreated. Add the stress our daily lives place upon us and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Even for the busiest persons with virtually no free time there are methods and treatments they can partake in to help maintain good health. Centers like the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center in Mission Viejo have health professionals on staff ranging from Orange County Chiropractors and Acupuncturists to weight loss professionals and Dieticians. These types of centers place an emphasis on the health and well being of every individual and help their patients plan for and carry out choices that will enable them to live healthier. Offering a myriad of different programs, these centers take aim at common and some uncommon problems that might adversely affect the lives of their patients. Things like stress, aches and pain, and massage therapy, all help to relieve the symptoms and causes of the things that plague their patients.

Of course such wellness centers accomplish all of this with non invasive treatments and without expensive and sometimes crippling medication. Furthermore the health professionals at these centers focus on treatments that require no surgery. Over time and free of medical procedures that can slow them down, patients of wellness centers find that their lives and health improve slowly but steadily. Certainly there are some issues that require surgery or heavy medication however most of the little and sometimes the more painful or irritating physical issues we encounter can be treated without the need for such things, allowing a patient to continue on with their daily lives unabated and unhindered.

Many people wonder exactly what can be treated at a wellness center after hearing from a friend or relative who's recently been treated at one. The fact is that health professionals at a wellness center can treat many things. It's not uncommon to see treatments for ADHD, allergies, chronic headaches, and Scoliosis at wellness these wellness centers. Additionally the weight loss programs available at these places are customized for each individual and their needs rather than providing all patients with the same treatment. Many centers like the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center also offer Active Release Techniques treating problems related to tendons, ligaments, and muscles. This treatment alleviates the pain associated with headaches, soreness, and fatigue.

In a time where individuals have begun seeking alternatives to expensive and more traditional medicines, many have turned to these wellness centers in the hope that they can be cured of what ails them without great expense and without painful medical procedures. Their success stories can be found all over the internet and at the wellness center websites.

Orange County Chiropractor Myths And Facts

The word Chiropractor as well as the Chiropractic industry has always faced an uphill battle. Critic and skeptics have always sought to demonize the practice for numerous reasons. Whatever there agenda may be, the Orange County Chiropractors of the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center in Mission Viejo disagree and as a result have created a page within their website that dispels falsehoods, and separates myth from fact.

Perhaps the biggest myth surrounding Orange County Chiropractics is the one that states they are not real Doctors. The truth is that Chiropractors are indeed licensed health care providers. Those who wish to become a Chiropractor must attend school just as medical doctors do and after years of study and hard work they are granted a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. Chiropractic school may not be as fierce but that's because aspiring Chiropractors have a very specific focus of study. Schooling for would be Orange County Chiropractors is extremely rigorous however and obtaining a degree is no easy task. Chiropractors are subject to all the same scrutinizing by the government and regulatory boards that medical doctors are. Furthermore programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Workers' Compensations all support Chiropractic programs.

A second popular myth is that all medical doctors look down on Orange County Chiropractors. While it's true that many doctors and particularly the AMA at one time disapproved of Chiropractors this type of stance reached it peak in the 1940's and has declined sharply since the 70's. Since that time opinions have changed sharply and many doctors now recommend seeing an Orange County Chiropractor for things related to tissue damage and the back and neck. In fact many medical facilities now have Chiropractors on hand and visa versa so that patients have access to both types of care. In more recent times most medical doctors have gained a greater understanding of what an Orange County Chiropractor really does and what the field of Chiropractics is really all about.

While there are many myths surrounding Chiropractors these are two of the most prominent and misunderstood. In fact these two false perceptions keep many people who could benefit from the services of an Orange County Chiropractor away from places that offer such services. If you are one of these people or just have questions about Chiropractics, you may contact Dr. Raffa at the Orange County Chiropractors of the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center. You may also visit his Orange County Chiropractor website for additional information.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Orange County Weight Loss Programs At Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center

Weight loss is something everyone will think about or even consider at some point in their lives. In some instances individuals decide they want to be in shape and want energy back while others delve into the weight loss world for medical reasons at the urging of a doctor. Whatever the reason might be it's never a bad decision to get healthy and get in shape.

Getting in shape however whether your health depends on it or not is not always an easy journey. Busy lives, lack of sleep, overworking, and stress can make eating right and finding the time to exercise difficult. Furthermore many people try to live healthier but don't know how to eat right and don't know how much exercise they need. That's where the Orange County weight loss professionals of Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center come in. These health care professionals have years of experience behind them as well as techniques and special programs designed to help you stay on track and reach your Orange County weight loss goals.

Being overweight can adversely affect an individuals life and the longer one stays out of shape the more potential there is for serious health issues to rear their ugly heads. Diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure are but a few of the serious health problems an individual might develop if they remain overweight and out of shape. The Orange County weight loss programs at the Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center however have been designed by a team consisting of medical doctors, dietitians, and psychologists with over 100 years of combined knowledge and practice in the weight loss industry so that anyone who engages in one of the programs will be able to meet their goals.

At Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center the Orange County weight loss team focuses on changing the lifestyles of their patients rather than focusing on a "diet". The term diet refers to a temporary change in eating habits whereas using the word lifestyle is indicative of changing both eating habits and exercise habits permanently. Those who change their lifestyles are far more successful than individuals who diet. With access to dietitians, advise and information on healthy meal replacements, and support groups Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center makes living healthy an achievable goal!

If you or someone you know would like to begin and Orange County weight loss program but are unsure of how and where to start contact us today to have any questions you might have answered. You may also visit our Orange County weight loss website for a full list of details surrounding our programs.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Orange County Acupuncture Services

The rigors of daily life take their toll on our bodies. Stress can systematically break a body down which results in various aches, pains, and sometimes illnesses. The good news is that many of these ailments can be eliminated through the practice of Orange County acupuncture. Acupuncture techniques have been applies to individuals with various ailments for centuries which have yielded fantastic results and relived recipients of their aches and pains.

Orange County acupuncture is a staple of the treatments and services you can receive at Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center Inc. The Chiropractors at this wellness center employ acupuncture techniques to help promote natural healing. These Orange County acupuncture services enhance restorative powers, help rebuild the bodies natural resistance to disease, support physical and emotional health and improve overall function and well-being. In addition to alleviating aches, pains and stress, these Orange County acupuncture services also help those who have issues with their sinuses, fatigue, even colds and allergies.

Orange County Acupuncture Pricing
  • $90 / First Visit (including History, Exam and First Acupuncture Treatment)
  • $70 / Acupuncture Treatment
  • $320 / 5 Acupuncture treatments (including History and exam)
  • $590 / 10 Acupuncture treatments (including History and exam)
If you'd like to learn more about the Orange County acupuncture services available at Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center Inc you may do so by visiting their Orange County acupuncture website. You may also choose to contact them with any questions you might have.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Orange County Chiropractors Encourage Active Release Techniques

Physical pain is something we all experience at one time or another. Aside from accidents, individuals may experience physical pain as a result of problems with muscles, ligaments, and even nerves. Pain related to these things within the body can manifest themselves as back pain, headaches, knee problems, and even sciatica. In most instances these types of pains are the result of overuse of specific muscles which often restrict movement and sometimes cause intense pain.

Overuse of muscles can lead to the build up of scar tissue which can prohibit muscles from contracting properly which then leads to muscles losing their ability to work properly which in turn can cause the individual experiencing this great pain. Fortunately the Orange County Chiropractors of Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center offer individuals something called Active Release Technique.

The technique which is essentially a soft tissue movement system, allows for the break up of scar tissue on muscles which helps to restore normal functionality to the affected muscles. Orange County Chiropractors also note that this technique restore and enables better blood flow to muscles which may have been deprived of normal blood flow causing even more pain and loss of functionality.

The Orange County Chiropractors of Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center encourage anyone who might be suffering from the types of pain mentioned in this blog to contact them for either a consultation or to book an appointment. You may also visit their website which is dedicated to Orange County Chiropractic medicines.

Orange County Weight Loss Program Targets The Individual

Unless you have the metabolism of the Tasmanian Devil and plenty of time to exercise each day, it's very likely that weight loss is a concern of yours. The degree to which it concerns you will depend on your current weight and any looming health issues you may have but regardless, keeping your body fit and maintaining a healthy weight helps you to avoid many of the health issues that arise from being overweight and out of shape.

Here at Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center we have put together a terrific Orange County weight loss program that is meant to be simple and easy to understand as well as follow to help ensure the success of those we help. Additionally this Orange County weight loss program targets the individual instead of focusing on a group or general goals. Each one of us have different body types, are of different ages, and have different needs. The program essentially consists of weekly Orange County weight loss lessons and workbooks designed to keep you motivated and on track. Best of all we have designed this program to provide our patients with delicious yet healthy food replacements as opposed to some of the more boring and bland replacements found in other programs.

Most individuals struggle to reach a healthy weight despite some of the harsh consequences that they face if they do not which is why our Orange County weight loss program has been designed from the ground up to be motivating and easy to follow. Studies show that you can improve your health greatly by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds, even if you need to lose more than that and so we encourage those of you who might be overweight and have a desire to lose that weight to contact us with questions you might have or to begin the program. You may also visit our Orange County weight loss website for additional details surrounding the program.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Orange County Chiropractor: Services For Wellness And Healthy Living

Welcome to the official Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center blog! This blog is intended to serve a resource for current clients as well as those who might need or know someone in need of rehabilitation services. You'll want to check back often as we will consistently be adding new posts to this blog. Topics will range from services we offer to help and advice as well as news about Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center.

For those of our readers who are unaware of what we do or have never before heard of Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center, we are an Orange County Chiropractor organization that places a focus on not only on rehabilitation but living well and preventative measures as well. Things such as modern chiropractic practices, physical medicine, massage therapy, reformer Pilates, mat Pilates and non-surgical rehabilitation equipment and technology are the order of the day here. As Mission Viejo Chiropractors we treat a number of various ailments and people and whether your pain is ongoing, you've had a serious injury, or is a new pain, we have a service that will leave you feeling and living better!

The following is a list of Orange County Chiropractor patient treatments that we offer:
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Physical Medicine
  • Medical Doctor Exam
  • Massage Therapy
  • Pilates
  • Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
  • Lifestyle Advice
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Spinal & Postural Screenings
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Thermage & Mesotherapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Custom Orthotics
For additional information about our services please visit our Orange County Chiropractor website. You may also contact us directly for answers to any questions you may have.