Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Orange County Chiropractors Encourage Active Release Techniques

Physical pain is something we all experience at one time or another. Aside from accidents, individuals may experience physical pain as a result of problems with muscles, ligaments, and even nerves. Pain related to these things within the body can manifest themselves as back pain, headaches, knee problems, and even sciatica. In most instances these types of pains are the result of overuse of specific muscles which often restrict movement and sometimes cause intense pain.

Overuse of muscles can lead to the build up of scar tissue which can prohibit muscles from contracting properly which then leads to muscles losing their ability to work properly which in turn can cause the individual experiencing this great pain. Fortunately the Orange County Chiropractors of Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center offer individuals something called Active Release Technique.

The technique which is essentially a soft tissue movement system, allows for the break up of scar tissue on muscles which helps to restore normal functionality to the affected muscles. Orange County Chiropractors also note that this technique restore and enables better blood flow to muscles which may have been deprived of normal blood flow causing even more pain and loss of functionality.

The Orange County Chiropractors of Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center encourage anyone who might be suffering from the types of pain mentioned in this blog to contact them for either a consultation or to book an appointment. You may also visit their website which is dedicated to Orange County Chiropractic medicines.

Orange County Weight Loss Program Targets The Individual

Unless you have the metabolism of the Tasmanian Devil and plenty of time to exercise each day, it's very likely that weight loss is a concern of yours. The degree to which it concerns you will depend on your current weight and any looming health issues you may have but regardless, keeping your body fit and maintaining a healthy weight helps you to avoid many of the health issues that arise from being overweight and out of shape.

Here at Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center we have put together a terrific Orange County weight loss program that is meant to be simple and easy to understand as well as follow to help ensure the success of those we help. Additionally this Orange County weight loss program targets the individual instead of focusing on a group or general goals. Each one of us have different body types, are of different ages, and have different needs. The program essentially consists of weekly Orange County weight loss lessons and workbooks designed to keep you motivated and on track. Best of all we have designed this program to provide our patients with delicious yet healthy food replacements as opposed to some of the more boring and bland replacements found in other programs.

Most individuals struggle to reach a healthy weight despite some of the harsh consequences that they face if they do not which is why our Orange County weight loss program has been designed from the ground up to be motivating and easy to follow. Studies show that you can improve your health greatly by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds, even if you need to lose more than that and so we encourage those of you who might be overweight and have a desire to lose that weight to contact us with questions you might have or to begin the program. You may also visit our Orange County weight loss website for additional details surrounding the program.