Time and time again patients who receive Newport Beach acupuncture from our chiropractors leave our office feeling great. This is because acupuncture is a time-tested treatment for all sorts of different ailments. Acupuncture can treat back pain, headaches, sore muscles, improve mood and alleviate the symptoms of allergies as well.
Perhaps best of all, acupuncture treatments have no negative side effects whatsoever. This means that regardless of the type of pain you may be suffering from, you can visit our office, receive acupuncture treatments, and then leave our office feeling like a million dollars without having to worry about the side effects that you get from medications and surgeries that are used to treat the same types of pain.
Individuals concerned about the true efficiency and value of Newport Beach acupuncture can rest easy. Nearly 51% of all traditional medical doctors now support and understand the efficiency of the treatment and often recommend it to patients who are living with constant pain. The technique itself is nearly 3000 years old and if it didn't work wonders for people who receive it, it wouldn't have stuck around this long.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Prenatal Orange County Chiropractic Care
Pregnant women usually take greater care of their bodies than do those women who are not pregnant. This extra care not only benefits a woman's unborn child but can reduce pain and discomfort during childbirth and helps to speed up recovery after birth has taken place. There are those women however that want to go the extra mile for both their health as well as their babies but aren't sure where to begin. It's a little known fact that visiting an Orange County chiropractor during pregnancy is essential when a woman is looking for a more productive, safer, and less painful birthing experience.
Women that worry that chiropractic care during pregnancy isn't safe can set their mind at ease a it's been proven repeatedly that it's incredibly safe and helpful to both mother and baby. Moreover Orange County chiropractic care during pregnancy can help balance a woman's biomechanics, hormones, as well as her neurological standpoint.
As a pregnancy progresses postural changes occur because the center of gravity in a woman's body shifts. Additionally the mass of the baby as well as the placenta and water place ever-increasing pressure on a woman's spine and pelvis especially towards the end of pregnancy. This is what causes the waddle walk that many pregnant women do at the end of their pregnancy.
A visit to an Orange County chiropractor can not only help with posture but significantly reduces the time a woman will spend labor and her strengthened back will give her more power to push and help her return to a pre-partum health state once delivery has occurred. Chiropractic care during pregnancy also helps relieve the pain and discomfort associated with several joints within the pelvis and helps them function better. Furthermore this type of care during pregnancy also reduces the likelihood of back labor, a process which can be detrimental to the health of both baby and mother.
With so many proven pain reducing and strengthening techniques for pregnant women, it's no surprise that the popularity of prenatal chiropractic care is on the rise. Strengthening a woman's body during pregnancy significantly reduces the chances of things like brain bleeds, encephalopathy, facial nerve palsy, and even tearing of the spinal muscles. Visiting a chiropractor during pregnancy is safe, makes good sense, and offers plenty of benefits with no drawbacks whatsoever.
Women that worry that chiropractic care during pregnancy isn't safe can set their mind at ease a it's been proven repeatedly that it's incredibly safe and helpful to both mother and baby. Moreover Orange County chiropractic care during pregnancy can help balance a woman's biomechanics, hormones, as well as her neurological standpoint.
As a pregnancy progresses postural changes occur because the center of gravity in a woman's body shifts. Additionally the mass of the baby as well as the placenta and water place ever-increasing pressure on a woman's spine and pelvis especially towards the end of pregnancy. This is what causes the waddle walk that many pregnant women do at the end of their pregnancy.
A visit to an Orange County chiropractor can not only help with posture but significantly reduces the time a woman will spend labor and her strengthened back will give her more power to push and help her return to a pre-partum health state once delivery has occurred. Chiropractic care during pregnancy also helps relieve the pain and discomfort associated with several joints within the pelvis and helps them function better. Furthermore this type of care during pregnancy also reduces the likelihood of back labor, a process which can be detrimental to the health of both baby and mother.
With so many proven pain reducing and strengthening techniques for pregnant women, it's no surprise that the popularity of prenatal chiropractic care is on the rise. Strengthening a woman's body during pregnancy significantly reduces the chances of things like brain bleeds, encephalopathy, facial nerve palsy, and even tearing of the spinal muscles. Visiting a chiropractor during pregnancy is safe, makes good sense, and offers plenty of benefits with no drawbacks whatsoever.
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