Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Ongoing Debate Over Heat vs. Cold Treatments

Within the field of medical care there always a number of ongoing debates about which methods are most effective for treating patients. One such debate that involves chiropractors is the debate regarding the use of ice and heat in treating different ailments. As many Orange County Chiropractors work with athletes and people that live physically strenuous lives, this is an important debate because chiropractors want to ensure that these individuals are as healthy as they can be and are capable of carrying on their lifestyle.

Benefits of Heat
  • Good for treating bruises
  • Heals fatigued soft muscles
  • Alleviates the pain of minor sprains
  • Assists with blood vessel dilation
  • Decreases inflammation
Benefits of Cold
  • A decreased nerve transmission in pain fibres
  • Reduces the activity of free nerve endings
  • Raises the pain threshold
  • Causes a release of endorphins
  • Cold sensations over-ride the pain sensation

Orange County Chiropractors Offer Tips On How To Eat Better

Is there anybody who doesn't constantly attempt to eat better? That's a question that many medical scientists and Orange County chiropractors ask themselves on a regular basis. This is because 66% of the American population is overweight and seems to have a difficult time sticking to a healthy eating plan. For some people it's a matter of being over stressed and overworked while others are busy with family, school and whatnot. Regardless of why you might be having a difficult time eating right there are things you can do to help ensure that you need is best as possible all the time.
  • It's not about low-fat versus low-carb. You can actually eat foods that are less fattening and consume fewer calories without having to eat less food so be sure to pick and choose carefully when deciding what to eat. Eating foods with too few calories will cause you to be hungry much sooner than you want to be and you'll consume more food than next time you eat you can avoid this by eating foods that are lower in fat and not just calories.
  • Do not diet! You need to change your lifestyle. It's not about saying "I can't have that because I'm on a diet" but rather "I don't want that because I no longer eat that way".
  • Consider keeping a food journal for months or a least a very few weeks to be aware of what and when you're eating. Additionally paying attention to physical cues that your body gives you can help you determine what your body needs. It's also a good idea to ask yourself "am I really hungry" and make sure you're eating because you're actually hungry and not because something smells good, are stressed out, or are board.
  • Do not restrict the food you eat. Though this may sound somewhat odd it's actually true that there are no such thing as bad foods but only in appropriate portion sizes. Neglecting certain food groups will cause you to crave those foods and even begin bidding on them.
  • Try to avoid bad carbs and eat as many good cards you can. Good cards include fruits, vegetables, and unrefined grain such as brown rice. They are extremely high in fiber which slows absorption and fill you up before you take into many calories.
  • Eat less red meat. Some doctors may disagree with this but the fact that red meat is loaded with lots of saturated fats and has been linked in some studies to an increased risk of cancer.

Orange County Chiropractors Advise On Food Cravings

The Orange County chiropractors of the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center focus on a great number of things to help keep their patients healthy and help them live a healthier and more productive life. This includes all things food and even food cravings. There is an ongoing and heated debate about whether or not food cravings are a matter of the mind are general health issue. Though those responsible for researching this matter share different opinions at the moment there is plenty of common ground to be found within the debate and the staff at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center have begun incorporating these early findings into their dietary programs.

For example is recently been discovered through several studies that women tend to crave specific types of food much more than men do. It's been found that this is due to a woman's hormones. Individuals who constantly crave foods that are high in fats and sugars have been found to sometimes have complications regarding their health. Regardless however of why you crave what you do medical scientists now know and agree that food cravings stem from a complex combination of emotional, hormonal, and biochemical factors. One of the biggest factors for cravings is blood sugar imbalance while emotional and hormonal imbalances contribute to cravings too though on a far lesser scale.

It's important to manage your cravings and make good decisions regarding the food you eat in order to live as long and as healthy as possible. If you are having difficulty managing your cravings you might want to try one or all of the following tips from the Orange County chiropractors at the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center.
  • Do not skip meals. Skipping meals causes your blood sugar fall low which causes food cravings and binge eating.
  • Avoid eating too much sugar and too much salt as these can make cravings much worse.
  • Reduce the ingestion of drinks like coffee, tea and caffeinated soft drinks. Drink water instead.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners.
  • Reduce your intake of processed foods.
  • Exercise regularly because studies are showing that exercise reduces cravings for foods that are not necessarily good for you.
Need Help Losing Weight?? Looking to Eat Healthier??
Please Stop By And Visit Our Office
24002 Via Fabricante Ste. 501
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: (949) 454-8811