Dr. Rafa opened the class by addressing stress and how it, more than nearly everything else affects your body in negative ways. In fact the Orange County Chiropractor stated that it's not accidents nor trauma that causes the body to get out of line and further stated that stress is in fact the biggest cause of aches, pains, and other aliments. He then urged anyone suffering from such things and high stress to visit an Orange County Chiropractor regularly in order to eliminate stress and alleviate aches and pains.
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Dr. Rafa then moved onto the main top of the evening which was living healthy. He began speaking about this topic buy urging several things. The first being that everyone take some sort of vitamin supplement if they are not eating properly. He further added that a lack of vitamins can lead to back, neck, and a whole host of other health related issues. His Orange County Chiropractic center the Gateway Rehab & Wellness Center, carries all types of vitamins that patients will find useful. Next he turned his attention to eating right and gave tips and suggestions on things that should be limited or omitted in our daily diets. He cited four main foods that should be avoided, which are as follows:
- Sugar - Breaks down your teeth and results in sudden energy crashes.
- White flour - because it's bleached and contains no nutrition value whatsoever.
- Salt - Extremely bad your heart
- Preservatives - Processed foods such as MSG, hot dogs and bologna.
At the conclusion of the lesson on proper nutrition Dr. Rafa began speaking about other ways to avoid and alleviate stress. One of the best ways to avoid and reduce stress is to get plenty of sleep. The Orange County Chiropractor put heavy emphasis on getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Doing so allows the body to deal with daily stress and ready the body and mind for the next day. He also provided attendees with an interesting tip related to sleep. If a doctor prescribes you a mattress you can use the mattress as a tax write off! Using this to your advantage will not only help you save money but will help you afford a mattress that will allow you to sleep more comfortably. The final key to getting a good solid nights rest is pillows. Sleeping with a bad pillow actually does more harm than good and can negatively affect the whole body leaving you tired, sore, and achy the next day.
Next up the class dealt with more ways to reduce stress and stay healthy. Orange County Chiropractor Dr. Rafa urged attendees to do several things. These where:
- Drink plenty of water - Distilled, Spring, and tap water are great choices while Spring water is best for drinking while you exercise.
- Get some sun - While prolonged exposure to the sun is dangerous regular short term exposure does a body wonders. Sun light actually causes the body to create Vitamins A and D! A time outdoors will do you good!
- Get fresh air - Getting outside for fresh air is not only refreshing but great for your body too. It's also important to be sure that you breathe properly taking full breaths as often as you can. The more oxygen your body receives the better it functions.
- Avoid sugar
- Get enough rest
- Decrease stress
- Exercise
- Eat garlic
- Wash your hands
- Avoid the flu shot!!
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Dr. Rafa next moved onto speaking about just how poorly aligned necks, backs, and joints can result in a myriad of different health issues. These issues can range from minor to debilitating but can be cured by an Orange County Chiropractor with regular visits. He urged everyone to contact a Chiropractor if they experience any of the following problems.
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Nervousness
- Loss of muscle control
- Vertigo
- Blurring of the eyes
- Thyroid issues